The infamous Elephant Hair Bracelets

The elephant hair bracelet is a piece of jewellery with symbolic meaning that derives from a more than 2000-year-old tribal mythology. Because it is said that elephants' souls exit via their tails when they die, bracelets representing protection, knowledge, and spirit were created for people to wear.

In many civilizations around the world, the elephant is a representation of power, knowledge, good fortune, patience, and the ability to be cunning. Elephants can be benevolent and helpful or protective, menacing, and extremely harmful. The premium of the animal kingdom in terms of intelligence are elephants. People who wear bracelets made of elephant hair are supposed to take on the attributes of the elephant.

Elephant Hair Bracelets | Made from natural plant fibres

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According to African folklore, the elephant serves as a conduit between heaven and earth. A bracelet made of elephant hair will put you in harmony with the universal powers. You won't get sick, and you'll be robust and healthy. You won't be impoverished; instead, you'll be wealthy. You'll meet the love of your life, be content, and live in peace with everyone else.

The bracelet typically has four knots, which stand for the earth, sun, moon, and stars. While real elephant hair bracelets made from the hairs plucked from their tails are still sold, it is also popular to wear versions such as plant fibers, gold, silver or other metals because the African elephant is officially listed as a "threatened. species"

Silver colored Elephant Hair Bracelet

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Because of the characteristics of actual elephant hair, making a hair bracelet from it is very challenging. Elephant hair is so thick that a single strand can be over 22 inches long. In order to gather a bunch of hair with the same thickness, it is frequently necessary to cut the hair strands into separate pieces because one end of the strand is frequently thicker than the other. These could be used to create the pendant.

Typically, an older elephant has thicker hair than a younger one. Elephants typically have hair that is brown, black, or, very infrequently, white. Elephants with white hair are extremely uncommon and unique in Africa; it happens by chance and is typically seen in senior elephants. Elephant hair needs to be softened and cooked since it cannot otherwise be transformed into new forms. whilst they are still hot, the elephant hairs must be shaped into the desired shape. Sometimes, material requires being cooled enough in order to maintain the shape that it had taken.

Elephants are illegally targeted and poached in Africa for their leather, ivory, and hair to produce various sorts of jewellery and decorations, but in many other parts of the world, it is now unlawful to make bracelets or other types of jewellery from elephant hair, sometimes combined with teeth. In fact, it is against the law to possess one in several places around the world, and doing so occasionally constitutes a crime to supply those types of goods.

At Afrotise we recommend buying natural hair plant fibres which in our opinion have the closest resemblance, feel and significance with actual elephant hair.